Explore New England like never before.
Are you new to hiking and want to venture out but don’t know where to start? Do you have a hiking destination in New England that you have been intimidated to try alone? Lhakpa Sherpa lives in Connecticut and is one of the world’s most experienced mountain guides. She holds the World Record for the most female summits of Mount Everest—10 times!
If you are new to hiking, Lhakpa can teach you how to stay safe on the trail. Along the way, she can share her fascinating stories of mountain climbing on Mount Everest and in the
Himalayan region. If you are an experienced hiker, she can take you on more technical climbs throughout New England. You don’t need to go to the other side of the world to climb when there are so many beautiful places to explore so close to home! From the White Mountains to the Green Mountains and Adirondacks — there are many beautiful places to hike and climb along the Appalachian Trail and beyond.

Learn how to survive for weeks on a trail. Lhakpa can teach you how to cook on the trail and how to stay safe from wild animals. Learn how to efficiently pack your gear, how to travel without injury and to keep the trails clean. Contact cloudscapeclimbing@gmail.com to learn more.

Learn how to hike, trek, rock climb and ice climb. With the right guidance from Lhakpa, you too can survive in high altitude conditions.
Meet up with us for the Consulting Session
During our Consulting Sessions you can meet Lhakpa Sherpa in person, ask questions book an Expedition or local Trek on location!